Keys to Happy Family Living is written for anyone who desires to be the best marriage partner and the best parent possible. Happy, successful parenthood is based upon a successful partnership, which in turn requires two individuals who themselves are happy, contented, and adequate. The course is divided into three parts: The Adequate Person, The Adequate Partner, and The Adequate Parent. Each part contains four lessons for a total of twelve in the complete course.
The following is a brief description of each section, so that you will have an overall understanding of the content.
Section I is entitled The Adequate Person. This section consists of four lessons that point the way to become such a person. Lessons 1 and 2 are entitled Personal Peace. Herein are included the factors that we believe are necessary for any person to have a sense of personal worth. These factors include proper speech, actions, desires, feelings, thoughts. Lesson 3 is entitled Peace with Man. Its theme suggests that, to be an adequate person, one must manifest proper outward behavior toward others as well as possess a wholesome inner reaction toward them. Lesson 4 is entitled Steps to Spiritual Strength. It contains a word map that points to the pathway which we believe you must take in order to find the inner resources that will lead you to find peace within.
Section II is entitled The Adequate Partner. It consists of four lessons. Lesson 5 is entitled The Husband’s Responsibilities. Lesson 6 is entitled The Wife’s Responsibilities. These lessons contain broad principles for each partner to live by in order to make a successful partnership. Lesson 7, entitled Walking Together in Unity, describes the foundation for a sound partnership. Lesson 8, entitled Keeping in Step by Communication, gives the method for laying the foundation and building upon it the kind of marriage that is necessary for successful parenthood.
Section III is entitled The Adequate Parent. It also consists of four lessons. It is written to parents who have set before them the goal of personal peace and a united partnership. Lesson 9 is entitled Training in Love. It stresses the importance of the proper attitude toward your child. Lesson 10, entitled Resistance to Training, stresses ways and means of dealing with the resistance of children. Lesson 11 is entitled Setting Limits; it stresses the vital importance of establishing limits. Lesson 12, entitled Supervision and Help, points out the continuous need for supervision of children and help for children if they are to stay within your limits. It also gives helps which enable you to approach your children properly.
1. Get Ready
Try to find a quiet spot free from distractions and noise, in order to concentrate on your work. Download a copy of the lesson if it would help you to underline or mark important words or passages. (A PDF copy is available for download on the last page of each lesson.) Look in a dictionary for any words you do not understand.
2. Pray
Begin each lesson with prayer. Ask the Spirit of God to help you understand the principles taught and to give you a willingness to put them into practice. Remember that the Holy Spirit is the Great Teacher (John 14:26).
3. Read, Study, Meditate, and Apply
Read the lesson thoroughly, looking up Scripture references in their context in order to understand them. Read, reread, study and think about what you have read until you grasp the themes and outlines presented. Always apply practical truths to yourself. The more light you have on God’s Word, the more responsible you are to live up to it. Do the things mentioned in the Study Assignments, which are at the end of each lesson.
To help you in your study, remember the simple formula SQ3R. It spells out five effective steps to take to fix the content of each lesson firmly in your mind. These symbols SQ3R stand for SURVEY, QUESTIONS, READ, RECITE, REVIEW. Here’s how to make SQ3R work for you.
Glance over the topical headings in the lesson.
These are printed in bold face type. It should take you less than a minute. You will get the core ideas around which the lesson is built.
Take each of the topical headings in each lesson and rephrase them as questions. These will arouse your curiosity. They will help make the main points you are to learn stand out in your mind.
Seek to answer the questions as you read. This way you will become an active learner, instead of a passive reader.
After each section, put aside your materials and recite back what you have learned. Use your own words. Can you answer the questions asked? Jot down cue phrases in outline form on a sheet of paper.
Cover up all your notes. Recall from memory the main points of the lesson. Answer all the questions asked at the beginning of the lesson.
1. Self-Check Tests
The purpose of the self-check tests is to help you evaluate your progress before proceeding to the next lesson. You may use your tests as an aid to study; but when you actually fill in the answers, you should do so without reference to your materials. A link is provided to a complete answer key to all self-check tests. When you have answered all the questions, check your answers and evaluate your progress. Be sure to restudy the materials to correct your mistakes before going on to the next lesson.
Each lesson is followed by a self-check test.
2. Personal Evaluation Tests
Personal Evaluation Tests will be found at the end of some lessons. These tests are designed to help you evaluate your progress in a practical way. A link to a complete answer key to these tests is also given.
Study at your own speed. Normally, about two hours are required to complete a lesson. A new lesson will be emailed to you every week.