Anson, Elva. How to Keep the Family That Prays Together from Falling Apart. Chicago: Moody Press, 1975.
Campbell, Ross. How to Really Love Your Teenager. Victor, 1981.
Cooper, Darien. You Can Be the Wife of a Happy Husband. Wheaton, Illinois: Scripture Press, 1974.
Dobson, James. Dare to Discipline. Tyndale, n.d. A study guide for this book, Dare to Discipline Discussion Guide, is also available from Tyndale.
Getz, Gene and Zuck, Roy. Ventures in Family Living. Chicago: Moody Press, 1971.
Hancock, Maxine. Love, Honor and Be Free. Chicago: Moody Press, 1975.
Hillis, Don W. For More Than a Diamond. Chicago: Moody Press, 1966.
Ketterman, Grace H. and Ketterman, Herbert L. The Complete Book of Baby and Child Care for Christian Parents. Revell, 1981.
Landorf, Joyce. Tough and Tender. Revised edition. Revell, 1981.
MacArthur, John, Jr. The Family. Moody, 1982. A six-part film series on the family by Dr. MacArthur is also available from Moody.
Neff, Mariam. Discover Your Worth. Victor, 1979.
Ortlund, Anne. Children Are Wet Cement. Revell, 1981.
Richards, Lawrence O. You, the Parent. Chicago: Moody Press, 1974.
Smith, Virginia Watts. The Single Parent. Revised edition. Revell, 1983.
Sweeting, George. Marriage Is More Than Loving. Chicago: Moody Press, 1974. (An inexpensive tract booklet.)
Swindoll, Charles. Strike the Original Match. Multnomah, 1980.
Wagner, Maurice. The Sensation of Being Somebody. Zondervan, 1975. A Self-Teaching Guide. (Zondervan, 1981) and a Group Session Guide (Zondervan, 1981) are also available.
White, John. Parents in Pain. InterVarsity, 1979.
Williams, Norman V. The Christian Home. Chicago: Moody Press, 1952.
Successful Living Series. Warsaw, Indiana: Ken Anderson Films, n.d. (A film series on the family.)