Healthy Emotions
It’s remarkable how differently people respond to the same set of circumstances. Reactions involve your inner life. The management of your inner life is, to me, an issue of vital importance.
Every day you will either reveal or conceal feelings, emotions, attitudes, intentions and thoughts stimulated by people and events. Either way, whether you reveal or conceal them, there they are, coming from within you. (read more)
Indestructible Happiness
A line of research concerning a group of young people called “indestructibles” was once reported in a leading psychological journal.
These indestructibles lived under extreme poverty, and came from very bad home conditions that were located in slum neighborhoods. Yet, they were well-adjusted and good students. (read more)
Confront Your Problem
Anger receives a great deal of attention in mental health clinics and counseling centers all over the country. So do guilt feelings. A mother feels guilty because she screams at her children. A young man feels guilty because he no longer adheres to the behavioral standards by which he was reared. Another youth has been involved very intimately with a girl and feels guilty but cannot seem to help himself. (read more)
Peace Through Repentance
Are you angry or frustrated because of other people’s behavior, trying to act the way you think a “Christian” should act, hiding your true feelings, agonizing on the inside?
Maybe you’re spending hours talking your problem out with a professional or a trusted friend. They listen, and you feel better because you have talked things through, but you don’t really experience lasting peace. The professional or your friend may be telling you that you just need to readjust your environment to find peace. That may be true, but it’s also true that you need to deal with what is inside of you. What are you holding on to? (read more)
The Source of True Peace
Are you experiencing peace in your life? If so, what is the source of your peace?
We often work hard to attain things in this world–money, education, homes, vehicles, and the list goes on. Then once attained, we often ask ourselves, “Is this all there is?
We try to gain peace by losing ourselves in a book, working hard in the yard, exercising, watching a good movie, or even possibly by turning to alcohol or drugs to dull our inner frustration. But these things only lead to a false peace. A peace that doesn’t last. (read more)