You Can Help Heal Someone’s Life!
If you could help people around the world Discovering Gods healing for their spiritual, emotional and relational struggles, would you?
PRAY—Will you take a segment of time, weekly or daily, to intercede in prayer for us?
TELL—Are you willing to let others within your sphere of influence know about our ministry?
GIVE—Can you help us reach more people by giving personally?
Will you join with Henry Brandt Ministries to help more people experience true spiritual healing and freedom from their emotional struggles? On average it costs less than 5¢ to reach someone in need with these biblical, life-transforming insights.
Biblical mental health is foundational to personal happiness and well-being. And character is developed through life’s struggles. Dr. Brandt’s biblical insights are foundational to help guide people in their personal life and growth.
(Click here to see the leadership team.)
Need more reasons to get involved?
God is using Henry Brandt Ministries to change lives and equip ministries. And so far, 90% of our visitors have come from overseas. We have already received many testimonials from people who have found the help they were seeking! Here are a few:
“I am a connect group leader for our church. Your site was so helpful to send to people to who need help on numerous issues. Thank you for your insight.” —M.A.
“I have found this text to be very helpful to me. Recently, in the past few months, I have been very depressed with my life, overall. I have suffered from depression in the past and have not fully dealt with it. It has been with me for almost 20 years or so… Now that I have read your text I feel enlightened and I suppose I realize that I have to return to God fully in my life if I want to make progress. This is something I have suspected for so long but have not been able to convince myself fully of this path. Your text has helped me to see the light and I will be following the path of God more fully as from today. Thank you.” —K.N.
“That small extract has made me have a completely different approach to my job. Thanks.” —C.E.
“Awesome – I have been totally blessed. Extremely clear, practical and doable. Long overdue in the Christian community. Thank you.” —S.N.
“This is wonderful material. Well organized, very informative, and spiritual. Thanks for making it available. I am a counselor with a PhD, and this is ‘usable’ material. Again, thanks.” —O.L.
We trust God will show you the value of investing in this vital ministry that emphasizes practical Bible-based counseling and teaching as the means to change hearts and lives for eternity.
Will you help more people find our websites and the biblical answers that can change their lives forever?
Here’s how you can give:
You can make a contribution online with a credit card by clicking here.
Or, make your check payable to Henry Brandt Ministries and mail it to:
Henry Brandt Ministries
P.O. Box 222
Clinton, MT 59825
Henry Brandt Ministries is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization. All gifts are tax deductible as allowable by law.