- 2 Timothy 2:22
- 1 Peter 3:4, 3:15
- Deuteronomy 4:28-31, 6:5
- Matthew 18:35
- Psalm 51:10
- Hosea 9:16
- 1 Thessalonians 2:4
- Isaiah 51:7
- Luke 8:15
- Psalm 38:8
On a three-by-five card I wrote “God knows the heart.” When I heard a verse used or read on this subject, I wrote down the reference.
After accumulating a group of references, I transferred them to a looseleaf notebook and made a brief description like a concordance. It looked like this:
God Knows the Heart
2 Timothy 2:22—Call on God out of a pure heart.
1 Peter 3:4—Hidden man of heart to be meek and quiet.
1 Peter 3:15—Sanctify God in heart.
Deuteronomy 4:28-31—Find God when search with whole heart.
Deuteronomy 6:5—Keep word in heart.
Matthew 18:35—Forgive from the heart.
Psalm 95:10—Israelites erred in heart.
1 Thessalonians 2:4—God tries the heart.
Isaiah 51:7—Law in heart removes fear.
Luke 8:15—Nothing secret to God.
Psalm 38:8—Roar because of a disquiet heart.
The list under this topic numbers over one hundred verses. Another step is to rearrange the references in the order they appear in the Bible.
There are books that have Bible verses already arranged for you. An example is the Thompson Chain Reference Bible. It’s a wonderful Bible to use and to study; the topics are well worth the time.
I recommend this method to the one who is unfamiliar with the Bible. Most importantly, I learned to use the Bible and to fix the verses in my mind. The process of writing out a Bible reference with a one-sentence description of the verse helped me to fix the content in my mind. Later on, I would scan those one-liners as I added to the list. A quick review occasionally has been like a drink of cold water to a thirsty pilgrim.
Long ago I learned that I didn’t need to argue with anyone about God, His plan, His peace, or His joy that is available to all of us. I cannot make choices for anyone other than myself. If someone wants to be miserable, that is their choice. I am not going to try to talk them out of their misery.
At this time, I know that I am approaching the finish line of my race. And today, if I had a choice, I would not choose to go back and start life over again. I eagerly look forward to meeting Jesus and many good friends in heaven.
If I go before you, I would like to be holding the tape when you finish the race God has given you to run.
Now I live each day so that I am ready to cross my own finish line.