The Bible clearly illustrates the effect that godly or ungodly leadership can have on the people under its influence. It is crucial that leaders not only experience true personal life change, but that they utilize biblical principles and not succumb to the world’s philosophies in leading the church to fulfill the Great Commission.
Lead by Biblical Principles
Whether leading in our own family, in ministry, or in business, it is crucial to establish Godly goals and pursue them using biblical wisdom. Even when believers value the pursuit of personal transformation God’s way, unfortunately many will still default to the world’s methodologies for leadership. Worldly wisdom can never produce the supernatural results that God desires. (Learn more)
Communicate Biblical Truth
We must understand what God’s truth is, according to His Word, and then have the courage to proclaim it. All too often we allow the “political correctness” of our society to prevent us from speaking the truth in love. (Learn more)
Counsel Using Biblical Standards
A key part of leadership involves problem solving, giving advice and providing direction. Sadly, it is all too common that we rely on human wisdom and reasoning in such situations and ignore the biblical directives God has given us. Godly leaders must learn how to apply God’s truth to every circumstance. (Learn more)