The only way believers can live the Christian life is by surrendering to and relying upon the Holy Spirit to empower us in every circumstance. By faith, we can draw upon God’s supernatural resources to live a holy and fruitful life. The articles below will help teach you how to walk in the Spirit. (Note: Each article will open in a new browser window. To return to this page after reading it, simply close the new window.)
How to be Filled with the Holy Spirit
Every day can be an exciting adventure for the Christian who knows the reality of being filled with the Holy Spirit and who lives constantly, moment by moment, under His gracious direction. (read more)
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How You Can Walk in the Spirit
The Christian life is so simple that we stumble over the very simplicity of it, and yet it is so difficult that no one can live it without God’s supernatural help. (read more)
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Life in Christ
“For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.” (Romans 8:2) The law of sin pulls us downward. It causes us to miss the mark that we set for ourselves. The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, however, pulls us upward. You cannot pass a law that forces me to love you or to have a heart filled with joy. You cannot order me to be a peaceful man. You can force me to act like I love you. You can describe what a joyful person should look and require everyone to look that way. But you cannot pass a law that orders me to cease being angry, hateful, or lustful. You can only pass a law that limits the way I can behave when I am angry, or hateful, or lustful. You cannot legislate the condition of anyone’s heart. There is a vast difference between a cheerful manner and a cheerfulness that emanates from the Spirit. (read more)