Step 5: Flee Temptation
Take practical steps to avoid sliding back into rebellion and to cement an attitude of obedience in your heart.
- Focus on your relationship with God.
In your devotional and worship times, focus on God as King over all the universe. Learning to be obedient to this Sovereign will help you be obedient in all areas of life.
- Latch on to God’s promises.
Find helpful verses in Scripture and then commit them to memory to help you in your struggles against the temptation to rebel. One such verse for you may be the following:
The commandments of the Lord are right, bringing joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are clear, giving insight for living. (Psalm 19:8)
- Establish safeguards.
Think about the usual sources of temptation for you to rebel. Identify precautions you can take to protect yourself from those sources. Let the following examples spark your imagination:
• If you tend to be insubordinate to your boss, start calling this person “sir” or “ma’am” as a reminder of the respect you owe.
• If you are inclined to scoff at church leaders’ direction, take the lowliest position of service in the church you can find—and fulfill it without complaint.
• If you tend to be critical of government officials, send a card of thanks to your congressional representative the next time he or she does something honorable.
• Ask a trusted Christian friend to hold you accountable in your commitment to not rebel against authority.
- Expect victory.
Developing a submissive spirit is not easy, but you have the Holy Spirit living in you and producing in you a spirit of obedience. Be confident and rejoice in every sign of progress.