Lesson: Recognizing my own sin is difficult.
- Review the thought starter at the beginning of the chapter. What thoughts were started?
- Review the lead Bible verse. What does it say to you? Did you observe yourself in relation to the verse? Did you observe others in relation to the verse? Did you find any additional verses?
- What is your response to the lesson at the end of the chapter?
- Why is it difficult for us to say, “I have sinned. I am wrong.”?
- Why is it so easy to identify someone else’s sins and so difficult to see my own? Look at Jeremiah 17:9.
- What does the statement, “Men love darkness rather than light” mean to you?
- Why is it so important that we get to tell our side of the story?
- What is Godly sorrow?
- Discuss the difference between restitution to a person for a wrong done and God’s forgiveness of our sins.
- Why is doing penance a soothing act for many of us?
- What are the dangers of penance and self-condemnation?
- What is it in our nature, our culture, our background that causes us to want to solve our problems by ourselves rather than appeal to God for cleansing?
- Based on 1 John 1:7, can our relationship or lack of relationship with each other be a measure of our relationship with God?
- Why is sin such a despised word?
- Why do most Christians ignore the Holy Spirit in light of John 14:16-26?
- If we are dependent on God for the rest of our life, what, actually, is it that we need?
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