Study Assignment–Review Questions on Lesson 4
This assignment is intended to help you fully understand and remember what this lesson teaches.
1. What are the four steps to spiritual strength? (Learn to recite these from memory.)
2. What is the difference between the tendency to sin and the specific acts that are sin?
3. What are some sinful inner reactions to others and why are they so significant?
4. What does acceptance of your condition involve?
5. How must God’s forgiveness be received?
6. What is the practical outworking of a surrender to the power of God?
Consider your own life–your inward and outward reactions. Follow the four steps suggested in this lesson in order to experience peace and victory in your life.
Check Up on Your Progress
Answer Yes or No in the space provided.
______ | 1. | Do I help others even if I find it inconvenient? |
______ | 2. | Do I insist on having my own way? |
______ | 3. | Am I thoughtful for the well-being of those with whom I live? |
______ | 4. | Am I easily irritated? |
______ | 5. | Am I patient when people treat me unkindly? |
______ | 6. | Do I seethe inside when I am ill-treated? |
______ | 7. | Since the laws of human behavior are in the Bible, do I read God’s Word regularly? |
______ | 8. | Do I think evil desire is less serious in God’s sight than open immorality? |
______ | 9. | Do I recognize within me a tendency to commit sin? |
______ | 10. | Do my circumstances discourage me? |
______ | 11. | Have I surrendered to God, seeking His power to overcome sin? |
______ | 12. | Do I try to justify myself when I have said or done something wrong? |
Click here to check your answers.
Self-Check Test 4
Recall what you have learned.
In the space provided, mark the following statements “True” or “False.”
______ | 1. | The Bible contains laws which will help you to understand your own behavior. |
______ | 2. | All conflict results from sin. |
______ | 3. | The tendency to sin is well within a person’s power to control. |
______ | 4. | Outward behavior is more important than inward behavior. |
______ | 5. | A person’s normal reaction against irritating circumstances, while often normal, is just as often sinful. |
______ | 6. | Outward calm masking inward turmoil is evidence of piety. |
______ | 7. | Repentance can be equated with a sense of sorrow for sin. |
______ | 8. | God’s will can be done by Christians only with God’s enablement. |
______ | 9. | The Holy Spirit expressing Himself through us as we yield to Him is the secret of God’s power for the believer. |
______ | 10. | It is less necessary to constantly look to God for spiritual enablement once spiritual behavior becomes the normal habit of life. |
Click here for the answers to these questions.
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