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Keys to Happy Family Living
Sent once per week, Keys to Happy Family Living is written for anyone who desires to be the best marriage partner and the best parent possible. Happy, successful parenthood is based upon a successful partnership, which in turn requires two individuals who themselves are happy, contented, and competent.
From Coping to Cure
Why are so many Christians unhappy? From Coping to Cure looks at the relief available through people helping people, through human efforts apart from God. Then, the lessons explore the many dimensions of Christ the Cure: God’s healing love can transform the most miserable life into one of comfort, joy, and deep personal peace. Lessons are sent once per week.
The Struggle for Inner Peace
This study addresses the problem that many Christians hold hatred, fear, resentment, jealousy, and malice toward others. As a result, fellowship with these persons and the Lord is broken, joy is lost, and God’s peace is not enjoyed. Confessing and forsaking one’s sinful ways in obedience to the Lord and His Word are necessary if the Christian is to enjoy God’s peace. This series was written with the hope that many Christians will be helped in their “struggle” for inner peace, released from anxiety, and set free to experience the “fruit of the Spirit” which includes peace (Galatians 5:22).
I Want Happiness Now!
As a professional counselor, I’ve met people facing circumstances that cannot be reversed–being fired from their jobs, bankruptcy, poverty, broken marriages, miserable home conditions, mean people, rejection, maimed bodies, the death of a key person in their lives. If these people have any hope for restoring or finding contentment, it must happen within themselves. It has been my joy and satisfaction to observe thousands of dejected, desperately unhappy people turn into radiant, contented, happy persons as they opened themselves to the resources of God alone who died that we might live. The process involved in tapping the resources freely given to us by God is what this course is all about.