Step 5: Flee Temptation
Take proactive measures if you wish to remain free from the sin of overindulgence. By reducing temptation, you can improve the chances of your success.
- Focus on your relationship with God.
Start every day with God. Give Him your attention and devotion instead of concentrating on the thing that once held you captive to your selfish desires. Consider fasting periodically as a reminder that “People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4)
- Latch on to God’s promises.
Find truths in Scripture that will encourage you in your resistance to the temptations of overindulgence. Memorize key verses for recall when you need them. Here is one verse we recommend:
The Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self–control. There is no law against these things! (Galatians 5:22–23, emphasis added)
- Establish safeguards.
What situations tend to encourage your excessive self-indulgence? Take decisive action to avoid those situations as much as possible. For example:
• If you are irresponsible in your eating, plan reasonable menus a week at a time and buy only what you will need.
• If you get drunk, remove all the alcohol from your house, ask your friends not to serve alcohol when you are around, and never go to an eating establishment that serves liquor.
• If you watch too much TV, get rid of your television set or put a timer on it.
• Ask a trusted Christian friend to hold you accountable in your commitment to not overindulge.
- Expect victory.
You have the Spirit of God living in you and imparting to you everything you need to win this fight. Yield to Him daily in anticipation of total deliverance from your sin habit. When you do this, He will replace your self-indulgent desires with moderation and self-control.