Lesson: The evidence that your prayer is acceptable to God is that you experience the peace of God in your heart.
- Review the thought starter at the beginning of the chapter. What thoughts were started?
- Review the lead Bible verse. What does it say to you? Did you observe yourself in relation to the verse? Did you observe others in relation to the verse? Did you find any additional verses?
- What is your response to the lesson at the end of the chapter?
- Why do we sometimes not feel good after praying?
- How do you think we look to God when we gripe, complain, and resent His choices for us?
- How does it feel to make our requests known to God and then watch Him work?
- Give some illustrations of prayer requests and the answers to those prayers.
- Compare Matthew 15:8 with Shakespeare’s lines in Hamlet.
- Discuss Larson’s three circles.
¹Shakespeare, William, Hamlet. Act 3, scene 3, line 97-99.
²Chapel News, A newspaper by Knute Larsen, The Chapel, 135 Fir Hill, Akron, OH 44304.
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