Escaping Difficult Situations
Are you experiencing frustrating circumstances? Are you thinking, “If I could only get out of the situation I’m in, then I could be happy”? [read more]
Freedom from Others
Does your serenity, peace of mind, and joy depend upon a choice another person makes? A person you dislike begins to control your work time, pleasure time, sleep time, etc., because they’re controlling your thoughts. Has this happened to you? [read more]
The Source of True Peace
Are you experiencing peace in your life? If so, what is the source of your peace? Do you have a lasting peace that does not depend on your circumstances? [read more]
Responsibility for Your Inner Life
To get out of the gloomy pit of despair, bitterness, hostility, jealousy, and the accompanying aches, pains, and misery, you must take personal responsibility for your own character, no matter what someone else does – or did. [read more]
Peace Through Repentance
Are you angry or frustrated because of other people’s behavior, trying to act the way you think a “Christian” should act, hiding your true feelings, agonizing on the inside? You need to deal with what is inside of you. What are you holding on to? [read more]
Dealing with the Irritations of Life
Interacting with friends, workers, mates, and children will reveal the inner workings of a person. Being irritable can cause bodily aches and pains, tiredness, nervousness. The mind can become weighed down by burdens. [read more]